I remember when I first read David Wilkerson's story about starting Teen Challenge in The Cross and the Switchblade. Wilkerson had read a story about a group of teenagers who were charged with murder. He believed that God was leading him to talk to the boys. He drove to NYC from PA and sat in the court room when the boys were sentenced to life in prison. Fearing that he would never be able to meet with them he stood up waved his Bible and shouted to the judge asking for an audience. The newspaper photographers went wild. They loved it. Fanatical preacher tries to save the souls of convicted killers. Wilkerson was humiliated on the front page of all the NYC papers. But that humiliation turned into a blessing because he when Wilkerson went to talk to other gang members on the streets of NYC they recognized him. They thought that the fanatical preacher was OK because he was trying to help their friends. This opened up doors for Wilkerson that would have otherwise been closed. The same thing has happened between Glenn Beck and Jim Wallis.
Glenn Beck told his listeners to leave their church if it teaches a 'social justice' gospel. Beck believes that social justice is just another version of communism or socialism. And we all know that those systems are a threat to the American way. Jim Wallis, founder and of Sojourners Magazine, objected to Beck's interpretation of the Gospel and invited him to an open forum to discuss the issues. Rather than accept the polite invitation Beck has gone on the offensive and has viciously attacked Wallis on his show. Beck has really gotten nasty. The beauty of Beck's attack has been the publicity that Wallis has received.
Wallis' views are not mainstream. No, he is not a communist but he does support cutting defense spending, reforming the immigration policies, and the current health care reform. However, he does not advocate for the redistribution of wealth or a a hostility to individual property. Whatever his views, Wallis offers sound Biblical support for them from both the Old and New Testament.
His recent book Rediscovering Values explains how the current financial crisis is really a crisis of values and offers guidance on how we can returned to a value based economy. Beck's attacks have drawn attention to Wallis' book and the Sojourners community. People are offering their support and reading the book. By slandering Wallis and threatening to ruin the reputation of other ministers who preaches a social gospel, Beck has done an outstanding job of rally believes to stand up for justice. His verbal assaults have pumped life into people who had been dormant. Beck's claim that 'social justice' is a perversion of the gospel has also shown his ignorance of the teachings of Jesus.
Thanks Glenn, maybe with the renewed enthusiasm that you have inadvertently inspired, the Kingdom of God will dawn in a few more lives of the poor, disadvantage, widows, and homeless. However, I am not taking the side of the poor just to be against Glenn Beck. I will support causes of justice and look for ways to reach out to the marginalized because that is what Jesus taught and demonstrated in his life. I do hope and pray that others will join me.
Paul’s idea of God’s empire: the limited scope of his gospel
Paul’s idea of God’s empire: the limited scope of his gospel Andrew Perriman Thu,
01/16/2025 - 18:19
Did Paul proclaim a universal gospel? “Of course he d...
5 days ago
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