Energy Rising
What a difference a day makes. I was miserable yesterday. My whole body ached, with flu like symptoms. The bone marrow was producing white blood cells and it hurt. A new medication newlasta puts the marrow in overdrive but my body was going full tilt before I even received the shot.Today started out slow but with some Tylenol and a nice breakfast with Carol things began to turn. I am relearning the importance of pushing myself through pain. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I would run and do this. I got lazy after I passed 60. Each movement yesterday required determination and effort.
Good Intentions Just Don't Make It
I’ve recently been reading Andy Andrews book “The Noticer.” Great book, claims to be autobiographical but is is a story that is hard to believe.In it, the main character, Jones, asks a young man who is struggling to change:
“Five seagulls are sitting on a dock. One decides to fly away. How many are left?”
The young man answers: “Well… Four.”
“No,” Jones responded, “There are still five. Deciding to fly away and actually flying away are two different things.”
Isn’t that the truth? This illness is forcing me to decide to do things and doing them to completion. I needed to relearn this lesson. I had gotten sloppy with my life.
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