Thursday, March 26, 2015

Round #2

Treatment and reaction

Round #2 was a lot like Round #1. I had a neulasta shot to boost my white blood count a day earlier than for the previous treatment. We were hoping that it would prevent a fever.

The infusion of the chemotherapy was the easy part. Enduring the explosion that goes off inside the body was not. Monday was another difficult Monday. Aches and pains especially in the knees and the lower back. I got some work done after taking some Excedrin. I found out afterward that I am not suppose to take anything with acetaminophen. Won't do that again.

Tuesday was a lot like Monday. I had a spiritual direction appointment in the afternoon and felt really good. I was beginning to think that maybe the neulasta would prevent a fever. Wishful thinking. At 12:30 am my fever was 100.4 then at 1:30 am it was 102. Back to the hospital.

Ever try to get dressed shivering with a fever at 1:30 in the morning. That was a tough.


We arrived at the hospital and there was only 2 others in the waiting room. I thought that I would get into a room faster than last time. LOL.

My temperature was 99 but my WBC was too low to release me. They did not infuse me with antibiotics at the same rate as the first hospital stay but they told me that I needed to be admitted. This was at 3:00 am. However, the hospital was full. The next morning they moved me to step down unit in emergence. By lunch all the rooms were full. By 3:00 pm they had people lying in beds in the hallway. Providence Park has become a popular place. The Fellow for my Oncologist said that they had 23 waiting for rooms. He was able to prioritize a room for me. I finally got to my room about 8:00 pm.

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